Waldbauer Bürotechnik e.U.
Laxenburger Strasse 37, 1100 Wien

Dear visitor - we regret very much that you have landed here. The IP (or netblock) you are visting us is currently blocked by our servers. Please read the extended info in the red box or contact us via:  ▪ Twitter ▪ Google ▪ Bing

An automated system has detected atypical patterns in traffic originating from from you or the network you are using. To be able to provide our service to all users, your access will be temporarily denied. If you are redirected here your IP is blocked (BOT DETECTION)
Autoblocked @ 20-04-2024 05:15

You can try remove yourself by copy the key into the field below,
but you maybe redirected back here again.

Please leqave a short message with max. 100 chars.
We will check this issue immediately.